Ways to lose weight and keep it off is one of
the most pressing issues for many people. There are two distinct phases of
weight loss journey: One where you lose weight and the other where you gain all
the weight back. It is estimated that almost 80 percent of people who lose
weight regain it within a short period.
When it comes to managing weight loss, there
are factors like age and genetics that you cannot control. But there are other
health behaviors like food choice, exercise, and lifestyle that is in control
of individual human beings. Therefore, putting a small amount of effort into
weight loss maintenance can help you stop this cycle of relapse.
Long Term Weight Loss Management
It is a general perception that no one can
succeed when it comes to weight loss maintenance in the long run. However,
research shows that almost 20 percent of individuals are successful at managing
their healthy weight loss in the long-term. Here are some of the most popular
weight maintenance strategies.
Lifestyle Changes
Health experts around the world have declared obesity an
epidemic. According to the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC),
1 in 3 people in the United States is obese. That’s where lifestyle comes in.
People often fail to maintain lost weight because of their unhealthy lifestyles.
In 2009, researchers
came up with the following lifestyle changes to maintain weight loss in the long
- Physical Activity:
- TV:
- Fats in diet:
- Breakfast:
- Calorie check:
- Regular mealtimes:
Technology and innovation like cars,
computers, mobile phones, and drive-thru have made our live sedentary,
encouraging us to sit for hours in one place. Sitting destroys your metabolism.
So if you feel like you have this lifestyle, then consult clinics known for best slimming in Dubai that can not
only help you with proper weight loss techniques but also make a personalized nutritional guide for you based on your age, sex, and body type.
Research shows
that change in dietary patterns, including healthy food choices leads to
sustainable weight loss. Intake of more fiber, low GI-carbohydrates, and
proteins in your diet result in less weight regain. Low GI-carbs like potatoes,
wholemeal grains, beans, etc., take time to digest and cause a slow rise in
blood glucose level. Hence, less chance of weight gains, and it keeps your
tummy full for more extended periods.
Another thing that can help you with weight
loss maintenance is meal replacement. It makes weight loss a lot easier and
sustainable for busy adults. In this strategy, you simply replace your regular
meals with nutritious shakes and other dietary options that provide the nutrition
of a full meal.
The tracking of calorie intake also helps you
to maintain weight loss, as more weight you lose, your body needs fewer
calories. Therefore, it is essential to substitute your unhealthy, high-calorie
meals with low-calorie options for weight loss management.
Maintenance Counselling
There are a lot of psychological and
environmental obstacles that keep an individual from maintaining weight loss in
the long-term. Therefore, you cannot achieve positive outcomes without
intervention and support. Research shows
that people involved in a weight management program are more successful at
long-term maintenance of weight loss as compared to people with no counseling.
Your weight loss counselor can help you find
ways to not only speed up your weight loss process but help you maintain it in
the long run. There are several ways to speed up weight loss for people who are
too busy with their work lives. You can take several dietary supplements like
omega-3, Caffeine, Raspberry Ketones, etc., to boost your energy and make your
weight loss journey easier.
There are other natural ways that you can use
to shred those extra pounds quickly—for example, slimming massages, HYPOXI, and
fat freezing. Health clinics known for best slimming in Dubai offer guidance to people suffering from obesity and help
them with their weight loss journeys. With these natural and non-invasive
treatments, you can reduce numbers on your scale within weeks, and get instant
those Extra Pounds Off Forever!
shows that people who are successful at maintaining their weight loss for more
then two years tend to keep it off. So stay strong and master the art of
balancing calories and exercise in your lifestyle to keep those extra pounds
off forever.
The road to weight loss and a healthy weight
is a bumpy one. Learn from your mistakes, and you don’t have to alone in this
journey. Get in touch with slimming experts and take it easy on yourself.
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